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It contains everything that can be interesting and everything that can be useful.

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Some tips on how to grow in a greenhouse in summer

During some of the hottest and driest summer months, your plants need extra care. Namely: watering, feeding, pest control and shading are key components of successful glass growing.

Watering. Do not allow the soil to dry out; watering should be carried out before the plants begin to feel a lack of moisture. Best of all is evening watering. Extremely hot and sunny weather may require re-watering in the morning and at noon, but be careful not to splash on leaves or fruits. This can damage and burn the leaves. Do not water the plants with too cold water! A sharp temperature drop for plants is always stress.

Top dressing. Do not neglect plant nutrition, especially such as tomatoes, cucumbers, peppers and eggplants. Establish a regular feeding schedule, for example, always apply it along with the appropriate fertilizer on the same evening every week.

Remember that you are creating this extremely important warm and humid atmosphere that many pest species also love. If “unwanted guests” have already appeared in your greenhouse, treat the pests with appropriate biological pesticides. Always read the instructions carefully before processing plants and store the concentrated product in a cool place, out of direct sunlight and out of reach of children.

Shading is one of the important systems in the greenhouse at any time of the year, especially in summer. This is the main protection against direct sunlight. Have you noticed that it will always be a little cooler in a shaded greenhouse than in an unprotected one?

Airing. Keep doors and windows open to allow good circulation of fresh air. The automatic window opening system will help to minimize your participation in the control of this process.

We will help you create the most comfortable conditions for plants in the greenhouse! And you, in turn, will get an excellent and tasty harvest!

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Are vegetables from the greenhouse as tasty as from the garden?

Have you ever seen barely pink tomatoes on the shelves in the store? You buy them, go home and cut them for salad. Taste and understand that there is almost no taste! Have you been in similar situations?

In fact, this is usually the case: there are farmers in Turkey or Morocco who grow tomatoes specifically for export. They select the appropriate variety of tomato for export, which is well transported. Such varieties are usually less sweet at first and harder than usual.

In order for a tomato to be on the road for a long time (a week or even two), and even to lie on the shelf for a few days, it is plucked completely green. The color, reaching, he "gains" on the road. And now this tomato, not fully ripe in the greenhouse and not gaining enough sugar, came to the shelf from which you took it.

Compare this tomato with the one grown on a farm near you. Of course, this tomato will cost more, because the greenhouse needs to be heated and lit. But the taste is rich, the tomato is useful, fragrant and delicious.

So let's grow delicious tomatoes in Ukraine all year round! After all, there is always a demand for tasty products.

How? - we will help in this.

+38 044 334 70 34

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Interesting facts about cherry tomatoes that you may not have to know

Summer is in full swing and continues to delight us with fragrant, juicy seasonal vegetables, fruits and berries. One of the favorite seasonal vegetables of Ukrainians is cherry tomatoes. Did you know the following facts about them?

1. 1973 is considered the year of "birth" of cherry tomatoes. Israeli breeders have created this unusual variety in order to slow down the rapid ripening of ordinary tomatoes in hot climates;

2. Not only delicious, but also very useful! Cherry tomatoes have pronounced dietary properties. They strengthen the cardiovascular system, normalize metabolism and are even used to prevent cancer;

3. The name "cherry" - received because of its external resemblance to cherries;

4. Almost all professional seeds are hybrids. They tolerate sudden changes in temperature, climate change, lack of moisture. Therefore, when choosing cherry tomato seeds, hybrids should be preferred (they are marked with the F1 icon on the bag);

5. To date, a lot of selection work has been done, even some cherry tomatoes have a rather unusual taste. Yes, the sweetest cherries can give a taste of strawberries, raspberries, nutmeg and blueberries.

6. Up to 22 tomatoes can grow at once on 1 tassel. And from one bush you can get up to 300-400 fruits of excellent quality. The weight of the tiniest cherry tomatoes does not exceed 10 grams.

7. Cherry - a great product. They are 3-5 times more expensive than ordinary tomatoes, but the demand for them exceeds the supply.

8. And most importantly - the most delicious and sweetest cherry tomatoes can be obtained if you grow them yourself in a greenhouse Perspekta, it is perfect for this. Do not believe it - come to visit us for a tasting of cherry tomatoes and see for yourself!

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Perspekta on the Day of Architecture

Last week, together with DHC Media, we congratulated everyone involved in this holiday on Architecture Day. The organizer managed to bring together talented and creative people who know how to design and implement incredible ideas.

Attending such events we learn about the latest trends and innovations of modern architecture. In turn, we also have something to surprise by offering ideas for the implementation of modern conservatories that can emphasize the uniqueness and style.

Perspekta, working with designers and architects, is always ready to help integrate exclusive greenhouse solutions for any purpose.

Let's create beauty around ourselves together!

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The effect of clear and diffuse glass covering on cucumber fruit yield

Using proper greenhouse covering materials can provide a more suitable environment for plant growth in Saudi Arabia. The effects of three different greenhouse covering materials, clear glass, polycarbonate and diffuse tempered glass were used to evaluate its effect on cucumber productivity, water, and energy use efficiency.

Results show that either water or light use efficiency was higher in compartments covered with diffused or clear glass than polycarbonate compartments. In consequence, the fruit yield of cucumber plants/m2 was significantly higher (58%) in clear and diffuse glass greenhouses as opposed to polycarbonate greenhouses. In terms of the effect of cultivar or plant density, no significant differences in cucumber yield were found. The use of different covering materials did affect the environmental data of greenhouses. Less light was transmitted through polycarbonate cover than clear or diffuse glass.

The photosynthesis active radiation (PAR) was 996, 1703, 1690 mol/m2/d, while the electricity consumption was 2.97, 3.44, and 2.88 kWh under polycarbonate, clear glass, and diffuse glass, respectively. Meanwhile, diffuse glass compartment revealed 16% lower of water consumption than other covering materials. In this respect, it could be concluded that using diffuse glass, as a greenhouse cover material, has a strong positive influence on crop productivity under Saudi Arabia climate,  write

PERSPEKTA uses all these coating materials to build greenhouses of your choice.

We will be happy to put all your ideas into practice!

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What to do if there is too much light in the greenhouse?

There is a lot of direct sunlight in the summer months. If plants are not protected, photosynthesis and other plant growth processes stop. When the temperature of the environment and plant tissues becomes very high, all the water consumed by the plant is used to cool the plant tissue. In this case, the plants do not work to bear fruit, but to survive. As a result, you will not receive a harvest, which means a profit.

To create a comfortable climate that will save your income, a number of systems are used, the main of which is the curtain system. For different types of crops at different stages of the growing season it is necessary to reduce the intensity of sunlight and the heat to which the crops are exposed. This is especially important in nurseries and when planting seedlings.

With the help of curtains you can adjust the lighting, temperature, humidity and save a lot of heat. Special greenhouse fabrics are used, which perform the following functions: reduction of overheating and reduction of heat consumption, light scattering.

The curtain system evenly scatters sunlight on the surface and inside the plants, accelerating their growth and promoting the development of healthy and homogeneous products.

And also creates a favorable shade and allows light to penetrate deep under the entire surface of the plant. As a result, the process of photosynthesis is improved and the yield in the whole greenhouse is increased.



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Fogging system for humidifying and cooling greenhouses

Controlling the microclimate in greenhouses is an important part of efficient production and consistent yields. Together with lighting, temperature, nutrients and CO2, humidity plays a decisive role in creating an ideal and stress-free climate. Especially in hot weather, cooling is very important to maintain the required microclimate and the proper development of plants.

In combination with curtains to reduce the air temperature in summer, we recommend an evaporative cooling and humidification system, also called "fogging" and "fogging systems". In our opinion, this is the most effective system for our regions that exists today. The system cools the temperature inside the greenhouse to 7 ° C.

How it works? Water is supplied to the air in the form of a pressurized mist through special high-pressure nozzles. The water mist immediately evaporates and removes heat energy from the air, so that the air temperature decreases and the humidity increases.

The high pressure mist system helps the plants stay in balance with the water supply of the root system and the rate of evaporation through the leaves - the stomata remain more open. This increases crop productivity and reduces irrigation and energy costs.

By creating the ideal greenhouse climate you can help your plants grow stress-free and produce great yields!

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Growing delicious tomatoes with LED lighting

Getting really tasty vegetables is one of the most important growing goals.

 Research shows that tomatoes grown under LED lighting taste great. Thanks to the higher light intensity, with the help of LEDs, conditions are created to further improve the taste.

The choice of tomato variety plays an important role, but the growing conditions that affect taste and aroma are equally important, since consumers make their choice based on these parameters.

How do you find the right spectrum for additional lighting?

There are several spectra that can have a beneficial effect on the taste of tomatoes. For example, blue light is known to have an interesting effect. Increased blue light levels have been shown to have a positive effect on taste and smell. Another light spectrum is far red, which can enhance the flavor of the fruit. However, distant red can cause undesirable effects such as increased stem length. In doing so, blue light can do the opposite and shorten the length of the stem. By combining blue and far red, you can get the best of both spectra: improved flavor without extra plant pulling.

So, as a result of studies that compared various combinations of spectra, the most delicious tomatoes turned out to be using the standard red, blue and blue spectrum, optimized for tomatoes.

In general, LEDs can provide more hours of illumination and higher light intensity in the greenhouse, as well as help to achieve a higher yield.


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Growing on hanging trays

Different equipment is used to grow different plants with the help of hydroponics in the greenhouse.

The use of hanging trays allows you to create the most comfortable microclimate for plants in the greenhouse. Vegetables are grown on hanging trays: tomatoes, cucumbers, sweet peppers, eggplants, etc., as well as strawberries. This method is most common in Europe, because it uses automated placement and collection.

Suspended trays are deployed individually along the length of the greenhouse using a special molding machine. This is done in order to minimize the number of joints. The minimum quantity or even absence of connecting seams allows to proceed "Not drunk" by plants drainage water without obstacles. In a closed loop system, this water is purified and reused for irrigation. Thus, the cost of water and mineral fertilizers is reduced.

Note that previously the same trays for growing vegetables were placed on stands. Today, steel supports for trays are used mainly for growing gerberas and roses.

Have a question? - seek advice!

+38 044 334 70 34

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High-quality greenhouse film - the best harvest!

Have you already changed the film on your greenhouse? If not, have time to buy a three-layer Israeli film Politiv, which is known worldwide for its quality and promotion of a better harvest.

Together with A.A. Politiv we offer the hothouse film of the highest quality with special additives for improvement of its properties. Feature of our film - width of a roll is 16 m that allows to cover professional farm greenhouses.

 Main properties:

• Transparent, transmits maximum HEADLIGHT and increases yields. Light transmission 89-90%

• Stabilized

• Thermal. Retains heat by blocking infrared light, i.e. heat that has accumulated during the day. Helps save on heating. Thermal 85%

• Anti-fog effect. The additive absorbs the fog on the film formed by the condensate and prevents it from hitting the plants directly. Promotes plant protection.

For many years, to supply the best products, A.A. Politiv has invested in its professional, highly qualified staff, modern laboratory equipment and most importantly - in the cutting line. Working together with customers, international agricultural institutes and manufacturers of polymers and additives A.A. Politiv successfully launches new materials.

Together we work to provide our customers with everything they need!

If you want to consult - call us, we will be happy to help!

+38 044 334 70 34

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Why can't you grow tomatoes and cucumbers together?

Can crops such as tomatoes and cucumbers be grown together? As a rule, these two crops are not advised to grow side by side, and there are reasons for this. This is due to different crop requirements for humidity, temperature and care, as well as problems with pollination.

Cucumbers love moist air, so water them every other day or every day. And if it is very hot, it will not hurt to moisten not only the plants themselves, but also the paths and walls of the greenhouse. And these vegetables love when they arrange a real bath: for an hour close the doors and windows, water the whole ground and plantings with warm water and create a steam effect. Cucumbers then grow like yeast. Overdried soil delays growth, cucumber gains weight due to lack of moisture and grows bitter, ugly and thick as a barrel. Due to the lack of moisture, female flowers and ovaries turn yellow and fall off prematurely.

Tomatoes, on the other hand, too humid air is useless. They are easier to tolerate heat and lack of moisture in the soil, as well as peppers and eggplants. At high humidity suffer from various fungal and bacterial diseases: gray rot, brown spot, late blight and other unpleasant diseases. Therefore, in warm weather in a greenhouse with tomatoes, it is desirable to leave open a small window, even at night. At high humidity, the tomatoes stick together pollen, and the flowers are not pollinated. The same thing happens when there is no air movement, ie the plants do not sway. Therefore, in the summer in tomato greenhouses, you can periodically arrange drafts, opening in addition to the windows at the ends of the greenhouse and both doors.

Another reason is that tomatoes in greenhouses are pollinated by bumblebees, so if bumblebees start pollinating cucumbers, we get non-standard products that may be unfit for sale.

We hope you found the information useful.

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Greenhouse convertible, have you heard of this?

The convertible greenhouse has been designed for growers who want optimal ventilation and light penetration. And it got such an interesting name thanks to a special roof, which is mounted on an adapted Venlo supporting structure. This gives manufacturers a full range of options for adjusting the climate to the desired level.

From the outside, when the ventilation windows are closed, the convertible greenhouse looks just like the Venlo. However, the difference is easy to spot as soon as the ventilation windows are opened. The aluminum roof can be opened FULLY.

Instead of being ventilated from the side of the ridge, the windows open from hinges on the tray. The main advantage of the convertible greenhouse is that specific plants can be conditioned and hardened by exposing them to external weather conditions. When the windows are opened, the climate in the greenhouse is fully consistent with the external one.

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Purple tomatoes are already grown in Ukraine

Earlier in our news, we wrote about the fashionable purple tomato trend in Europe, which won the hearts of consumers in Australia, Belgium, Denmark, France, Greece and Spain.

And now, soon we can try an amazing novelty! Ukrainian farmers have begun to grow purple tomatoes that are fashionable abroad. Writes about this SEEDS.

The unusual tomatoes will be supplied to domestic supermarkets exclusively by TM "GORDI" from Cherkasy region. The trade mark is the brand of the Uman greenhouse plant, where modern European-style greenhouses are now in operation.

The YOOM tomato is distinguished by its rich purple rind and red, almost crimson flesh due to its high concentration of antioxidants, which give these tomatoes their unusual color and positively influence a number of health problems. In addition, the novelty has a large amount of vitamin C, as well as a high content of magnesium and potassium, which makes it a treasury of vitamins and minerals.

In the process of natural ripening on the plant, the fruits acquire a characteristic color, dense consistency and accumulate sugar.

We are already looking forward to trying the trendy tomato! 

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Happy Easter!

Dear friends, congratulations on the upcoming Easter!

We wish that in these great days your hearts be filled with bright feelings of hope and love.

Let your home be filled with comfort, warmth, happiness, and well-being. And the delicate aroma of a delicious Easter cake, bright colors of eggs and loud laughter of loved ones will fill this day with a real miracle and a wonderful mood.

Happy Holidays!

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Tomberry - the smallest tomatoes in the world

Tomberry is a unique brand of small tomatoes that was launched into the Australian market and is incredibly popular with consumers. Writes about this

Imagine harvesting on a vine with a bunch of tomatoes with over 200 tiny berries waiting to be picked! Tomberry is 100 times smaller than a regular tomato.

Tomberry originates from the Netherlands, but quickly spread to many other European countries such as Poland, Turkey and Spain, and also found its way to North America, Canada, as well as Mexico and Israel.

The tomato is used as a unique new ingredient in 5-star gourmet dishes and in all kinds of hot dishes like Spanish paella, where it not only adds flavor to a textural splash after consumption, but also a splash of color to any dish. It is used in soups, risottos and pasta dishes and is very popular in Mexican cuisine. And already excited not only high-class chefs in Australia, but also moms, dads, gourmets and, more importantly, children.

Would you like to try these mini tomatoes? We are sure that it is very tasty!

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Wide-range greenhouses

There are several types of industrial greenhouses. One of them is wide-span greenhouses.

Structurally, a wide-span greenhouse differs from Venlo in its span width, roof and ventilation. The span can be up to 12 m, while it has one skate for the entire width of the span. A wider span creates more air buffer, resulting in a more pleasant climate. These greenhouses are used for garden centers and other architectural masterpieces.

It is worth noting the main disadvantage of this type - it is much larger and heavier than the Venlo greenhouse.

The advantage of this kind of greenhouse is the minimum of shade. This design offers almost endless possibilities for realizing specific wishes for greater light and air penetration. Ventilation with solid windows ensures maximum fresh air intake. One-way or two-way opening of windows is especially suitable for mosquito nets.

The wide span greenhouse is the ideal solution for many types of crops. Large column spacing provides more space for plants and automation.

If you have any questions, we will be happy to answer them!

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How to grow pepper seedlings

Pepper is a source of vitamins and useful elements. A crispy vegetable with a rich taste and bright colors will perfectly complement your plate. At the same time, pepper is a rather capricious culture. To grow peppers in a seedling way, you have to work a little.

The time of sowing pepper seeds depends on the conditions and place of planting seedlings. In general, we recommend using the following rule: sowing is carried out 60 days before disembarking to a permanent place, if a pick is carried out, and 50 days without it.

The preparation of the correct and high-quality soil is one of the important stages in the cultivation of any crop. It is recommended to sow peppers for seedlings in loose and light soil. You can use ready-made seedling mixes or you can buy them at any garden store.

Usually, seed producers decontaminate them even before the start of sales, therefore, when buying professional seeds, decontamination can be skipped.

Pepper does not tolerate picking well, so it is most convenient to sow directly into separate pots. Place the seed to a depth of 1-2 cm and sprinkle with a layer of soil, press lightly. Then the containers with seeds are moistened and covered with foil or glass. When the seeds begin to hatch, the film must be removed and transferred to a warm and bright room. If necessary, install additional lighting lamps.

Pepper seedlings need a temperature of at least 20 ° C. And for the plants to grow quickly, provide them with 24-25 ° С. But it is worth remembering that growing too fast can weaken the stem and leaves.

Before transplanting seedlings to a permanent place, the plants must be hardened. It usually takes about two weeks to quench. At the time of hardening, the seedlings should be 20–25 cm in height.

On the first day, open the window where the plants are for 1 hour. Increase the duration of the procedure up to 8 hours every day. Immediately before planting, the plants are taken out on the porch, and 1 day before transplanting - overnight, protecting from too cold air. During the period when you transplant seedlings to a permanent place, the average daily air temperature should be 15 ° C.

Well, that's all, the seedlings are ready to be transplanted to a permanent place!

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LED lamps in the greenhouse

Light is the main source of energy for plant growth. We have already said that the main types of lamps that are used for greenhouses are: sodium, LED, metallogenic, fluorescent, incandescent and high pressure mercury lamps. Which one to choose - it all depends on the height of the greenhouse and the type of crop grown.

LED lamps are one of the most common types and the most promising for today, because with an identical amount of light with NLVD, LEDs consume 40-50% less electricity, and their service life is more than 50,000 hours. That's about 15 years of use.

The main advantage of LEDs is their service life and relatively low energy consumption, while their relatively high cost is the main disadvantage.

Therefore, today there is a certain compromise in the use of LEDs, it is expressed in the separation of crops and trends in the use of these lamps.

For lettuce and greens, which require relatively low light levels, many greenhouses are gradually adopting full LED lighting. Green mass has shown the best results for LED lighting applications today.

The use of LEDs for growing flowers is also gaining momentum, especially for roses. European farms are increasingly replacing NLVD with LEDs, selling the first to Poland, Ukraine and other countries where supplementary lighting in greenhouses is not so common

For growing vegetables - a combined lighting system "interlight". The principle of interlighting is to provide two levels of illumination - one on top (classic placement) for supplementary lighting to the tops of plants, so that the plant continues to grow "up towards the sun". The second level of illumination is at the plant roots. It is an excellent alternative to 250W and 400W NLVDs, which generate excessive heat near the root zone and “dead zones” that form between the luminaires.

If you want to grow your products all year round - think over the right lighting system in the greenhouse or contact us for help.

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For experience - all over the world!

The Perspekta company is growing and developing every day. We strive for new knowledge, so we are happy to meet with partners to gain invaluable experience.

Recently we visited the DORORS greenhouse facility in the Republic of Belarus, which is one of the largest producers of agricultural products in greenhouses. The volumes are impressive, on 50 hectares "DORORS" produces vegetable and berry products using Dutch technology in hydroponics.

We paid special attention to the cultivation of strawberries in the complex. Plants are grown on hanging trays with automated drip irrigation. Each plant is supplied with computer-controlled droppers that supply the shoot with nutrients and water in the right amount and at the right time. Equipment for feeding plants with carbon dioxide has been installed on the areas of the entire greenhouse.

Collecting the best world experience in growing plants in greenhouses, we can offer the best solution just for you!

Do you want to try yourself in the greenhouse business? - sign up for a consultation with our specialists.

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Favorable days for sowing on the lunar calendar

According to an UNIAN correspondent, in order for plants to sprout strong and healthy, when planting they need to take into account the phase of the Moon. Some days of the lunar cycle are considered unfavorable for working with plants, while others are considered productive.

Planting tomatoes is usually carried out through seedlings - first, the seeds are sown in a box, box or cup and left at home in a warm place. After 2 months, the seedlings are transplanted into a greenhouse or soil in the garden.

Favorable days for sowing seeds for seedlings:

- in March: 4, 7-9, 12-14, 17-25;

- in April: 3, 5, 8, 13-22, 25-28.

Favorable days for planting seedlings in the ground:

- in May: 2, 5-7, 12-17, 19-22, 24-26;

- in June: 2, 3, 7, 8, 15-25, 15-25, 29, 30.

And we have already transplanted tomato and cucumber seedlings to our greenhouse.

 Additionally, heat with warm glass and a heat fan in the evening. Also installed professional LED lamps for lighting in the greenhouse.

We are waiting for the first harvest!