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It contains everything that can be interesting and everything that can be useful.

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Favorable days for sowing on the lunar calendar

According to an UNIAN correspondent, in order for plants to sprout strong and healthy, when planting they need to take into account the phase of the Moon. Some days of the lunar cycle are considered unfavorable for working with plants, while others are considered productive.

Planting tomatoes is usually carried out through seedlings - first, the seeds are sown in a box, box or cup and left at home in a warm place. After 2 months, the seedlings are transplanted into a greenhouse or soil in the garden.

Favorable days for sowing seeds for seedlings:

- in March: 4, 7-9, 12-14, 17-25;

- in April: 3, 5, 8, 13-22, 25-28.

Favorable days for planting seedlings in the ground:

- in May: 2, 5-7, 12-17, 19-22, 24-26;

- in June: 2, 3, 7, 8, 15-25, 15-25, 29, 30.

And we have already transplanted tomato and cucumber seedlings to our greenhouse.

 Additionally, heat with warm glass and a heat fan in the evening. Also installed professional LED lamps for lighting in the greenhouse.

We are waiting for the first harvest!

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Automatic window opening

When ordering a winter garden, we always offer our customers a choice of windows with mechanical or automatic opening. Most choose automatic ventilation, for good reason!

 What is automatic opening and how does it work?

Everything is very simple. When the temperature in the greenhouse rises, the piston opens the window, and vice versa - when the temperature drops, it closes. At the heart of the automatic opening is the expansion of liquid or oil when heated. This helps to regulate the temperature and increase air circulation in the greenhouse.

Usually, for winter gardens perform the function of ventilation of the upper windows, installed on one or both sides of the ridge of the roof of the greenhouse, the side windows-Louvre, as well as doors.

Agree, the constant opening of windows manually - it's quite inconvenient, especially when the greenhouse is high. So choose the best solutions together with Perspekta, because we know how to add comfort to your life!

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Harming Women!

Harming Women!

On behalf of the Perspekta team, we congratulate you on the upcoming holiday of spring and beauty - March 8!

Dreams and hopes come to life with the gust of spring wind and the aromas of snowdrops. May your paths of life be filled with flowers, may your charming eyes shine with joy, and hot hearts always be filled with love. And no matter what the weather outside, let your heart be light and clear from the attention and love of friends, family and loved ones. Feel like a queen on the holiday of March 8, and stay with her forever!

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What is DLI and why is it needed

Additional lighting significantly improves the quality of light for crops and can have an extremely positive impact on crops. Light doesn't just control light levels, it can control temperature, minimize stress in plants, and optimize photosynthesis. This is where DLI comes in.

DLI is a photosynthetically active volume of light, light that has a direct effect on plant growth and yield quality. It has become an important tool for manufacturers because DLI has to be very careful. This indicator may vary depending on the season, time of year, length of day and location.

Growers need to balance many factors to ensure their plants receive optimal lighting for optimal growth and quality. Daily Light Integral (DLI), a concept that has been around for several years and is becoming increasingly relevant, helping manufacturers improve the use of supplemental lighting.

DLI has a great influence on the growth, development, yield and quality of plants. The result is that plants receive optimal light for their growth cycles and needs. This can affect the growth of the roots and shoots of the seedlings, as well as the thickness of the plant stem or the number of flowers.

Are your greenhouse plants getting enough light? During periods of early spring, late autumn, as well as cloudy days - take care of additional lighting. If you need help, just contact us. We will find the right lighting system!

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The largest greenhouse in the world will entertain Chinese tourists

Greenhouses have already entered our lives so much that they are used not only for their main purpose - growing plants.

For example, in China, the Eastern design bureau designed the largest greenhouse in the world. Its main function is to attract tourists and for their entertainment. The area of ​​the object will be 15 hectares, and it is planned to build it in China, Hebei province, writes.

It will be a huge botanical garden, located in the valley between the hills 280-310 m high, and should attract billions of visitors.

The 15-hectare valley will be planted with trees and other flora from Hainan Island. Everything will be covered with a glass dome. Exhibition centers, conference halls, shops, sports and even residential complexes will also be created here. A real city in a greenhouse!

“We use the primary form of the valley to create a greenhouse. The most beautiful forms are created by nature itself, ”say the developers.

And they add that the construction will use methods that were not previously used in architecture.

Indeed, the future project is impressive, we wish you success!

And the most interesting news here, follow our updates!

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Greenhouses in the Netherlands collapsed due to snow

February this year turned out to be very snowy and frosty. The result of this bad weather was the multiple destruction of glass greenhouses in the Netherlands.

 Several Dutch growers have been hit hard by the snow and are currently working hard to save their crops.

And all because in Holland they do not use underfloor heating of greenhouses, and the snow that collects on the roof gives an incredible load on the glass.

   It is good that European countries insure their greenhouses and more than 200 producers have already reported damages to the insurance company.

 In our Perspekta projects, underfloor heating is necessarily provided in order to avoid such unpleasant situations. Therefore, if you want reliable and durable structures - contact us!

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New harvest of Ukrainian cucumber

We love fresh vegetables very much and it is already impossible to imagine our daily diet without them. One of the leading vegetables on store shelves is the beloved cucumber.

 Representatives of Ukrainian greenhouse plants promised that a new local greenhouse cucumber will appear on the market this week.

Greenhouse producers hoped that the new season could begin at the end of January. But the timing has shifted slightly due to a sharp drop in average daily temperatures, which slowed down the maturation of cucumbers in stationary greenhouses.

Today, imported products from Turkey are still in the lead in our market. Prices for Turkish cucumber are still stable at 34-42 UAH / kg ($ 1.21-1.49 / kg). At the same time, when compared with last year, at the end of January, a Turkish cucumber in Ukraine was on average 42% more expensive than at the moment.

It should be noted that last year Ukrainian greenhouse plants with a new turnover of cucumber also entered the market in early February. But, at the same time, prices for local greenhouse cucumbers were quite high, 70-75 UAH / kg ($ 2.49-2.66 / kg).

We wish all Ukrainian greenhouse plants a good harvest! We also remind you that Perspekta is a reliable supplier of European greenhouses, we can offer the best greenhouse solutions.

Source of information EastFruit.

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We are preparing for the new season

We are already preparing for the new greenhouse season and have sown seeds for cucumber and tomato seedlings.

The previous tomato harvest pleased us until December, and now it's time to take care of the new one!

Sowing was carried out to a depth of 1-2 cm. To obtain friendly shoots, the substrate temperature should be 24-25 ℃. For better germination of seeds and high-quality removal of the seed coat from the cotyledon, we used a film, which covered the cassettes.

 After receiving 20-30% of the "knees", we will remove the film and at a humidity of about 80-90% turn on the backlight.

It is important to pay attention not only to the climate in the greenhouse, but also to plant nutrition, during growing seedlings. With the correct composition of the nutrient solution, it is very important to know the electrical conductivity (EC) of irrigation water. The optimal EU irrigation water for cucumber cultivation is 0.4 - 0.7 mSm. That is, the lower it is, the more useful salts can be available to plants.

After the release of the first true leaf, the plant begins to assimilate the nutrients in the substrate. To do this, it is recommended to apply fertilizers for balanced plant development.

It is also important to water properly. Seedlings need to be watered as needed to make the root system "look" for water. With proper watering, the entire volume of the pot or cassette is filled with the root system.

Are you already planning to plant seedlings?

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Vertical walls with green crops will appear in Ukrainian supermarkets

One of the Israeli startups, Vertical Field, has developed a vertical farming system and signed an agreement with Moderntrendo S.R.O, an international agricultural distributor, to locate its facilities in supermarket chains throughout Ukraine. EastFruit reports.

Vertical Field has been implementing a pilot project in the national Varus supermarket chain since the beginning of 2021, and then plans to expand to other networks. Varus. Vertical Fields consist of individual blocks of plants that can be rebuilt as desired to grow local vegetables. This installation is suitable for growing vegetables in shops, offices and apartment buildings or anywhere in urban areas where there is little space but many walls.

The main thing is that the products grown with its help do not contain pesticides and produce less waste than traditional agriculture, and use 90% less water.

Vertical farms are modular and mobile with automated crop management and a sterile environment that requires much less contact with humans. The company claims that it currently offers crops such as lettuce, basil, parsley, cabbage and mint, all at competitive prices.

"One of the discoveries made during the COVID-19 crisis is the need to develop solutions that will allow city dwellers to access healthy food with minimal human intervention and without dependence on transportation and delivery from remote locations," Guy said. Elicur, CEO of Vertical Field.

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Sale on standard models of conservatories from Perspekta

Hurry up to order a standard winter garden model before February 27 and get a 12% discount!

Don't miss the opportunity to purchase your dream greenhouse at a bargain price.

Aluminum greenhouses covered with tempered glass with automatic windows. Powder painting, black or green - at your choice.

The cost of the greenhouse includes installation, as well as delivery within a radius of 50 km from Kiev.

Grow in your own greenhouse and take care of your health!

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Will Musk's latest technology change US agriculture?

 The Square Root company, which is owned by Kimbal Musk, brother of the famous Elon, promotes and develops new technologies for growing food in vertical farms placed in containers.

Kimbal plans to feed the whole world, but will do it in the style of Silicon Valley, writes ForumDaily with reference to the New York Times.

Kimbal believes in organic "real food" to literally and figuratively feed consumers, farmers, the US and the planet.

He intends not only to create innovative vertical farms throughout the country, but also to develop an entire infrastructure for creating "real food": training centers, promoting a new philosophy of nutrition, venture programs, special accelerators.

His non-profit organization has set up 425 educational gardens in kindergartens and schools to help children understand how "real food" comes from a young age. Musk says scalability is important to any business. All the previous companies that tried to promote the idea of ​​good food didn’t get enough results, because they couldn’t scale their model, and he is confident that he can.

10 businessmen have already received training on working with container farms and promoting grown products on the market (they were selected from more than 500 submitted applications). Square Root is now preparing to recruit new students.

Each accelerator participant received from the company a shipping container with vertical systems for growing plants, irrigation systems and a set of blue and red LEDs, and learned how to harvest from all this. According to Kimbal Musk, such containers will fill cities and be an important source of food.

The farms are arranged in steel shipping containers covering an area of ​​30 square meters. Inside there are four parallel walls with cells filled with fertilized water. Greens and herbs grow in these pockets, which are illuminated by blue and pink LEDs. In such a transport container, it is possible to grow up to 50 thousand heads of lettuce per year and get a harvest commensurate with a field of 0.4 hectares.

The container contains sensors that output readings to the control unit. This makes it possible not only to monitor all the parameters of the environment, but also to set the necessary ones. Here you can create both a tropical climate and conditions of the northeastern United States.

The Finnish company Exsilio Oy is developing container farms. The 13-meter containers she created contain several shelves with beds for growing vegetables, herbs and leafy greens. The farm only needs water and electricity to run, so it can be installed next to a restaurant, shop or close to residential buildings.

Upon release, Square Roots entrepreneurs have adopted different business models. Some sell vegetables to offices, while others grow produce for residents of poor areas. Some are working on engineering solutions for innovative farming, such as lighting and data analytics. Square Roots recently raised $ 5 million in seed rounds. With this money, the accelerator plans to build large campuses with container farms in several cities in America.

Square Roots hopes to reach 20 cities by 2020. The ideology of the program is based on the creation of a business that improves the living conditions on the planet.

Vertical farms are becoming an American trend. The largest vertical farm in the world, AeroFarms, was built in Newark, New Jersey. At the end of 2015, Gotham Greens opened the world's largest indoor farm in Chikago.

But these developments also receive their share of skepticism. The main point that lends itself to criticism is that vertical greenhouses consume a lot of electricity. Square Roots are trying to tackle this problem as well, exploring the possibility of switching to solar energy.

Vertical farms are environmentally friendly, use less space, are resource efficient and produce crops year round. At the same time, technologies have already been created that provide vegetables with a rich taste even in winter.

Interesting? Follow our news!

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Happy New 2021 year !

Dear Friends!

Perspekta team wishes you a Happy New Year 2021 and Merry Christmas!

We wish you joy, bright hope in your soul and good luck on the way to the realization of your cherished desires!

2020 was a year of difficult and important decisions. However, it made everyone bolder and more determined. Despite all the difficulties, this year we have taken many steps to implement a large number of projects.

We can confidently say that Perspekta is growing every year: both in the team and with each new client who becomes an integral part of our Family.

Together with the new greenhouse, each of the Perspekta employee gives you a piece of his soul. Starting from a phone call to our manager and getting advice, project development and visualization of a design engineer who will help you see a "live picture" of the future greenhouse and planning of industrial projects together with a specialist with many years of experience.

Together we work for the result for the sake of a happy smile for our client:

“... My beautiful greenhouse, how long I have dreamed of it! I have never worked with such a great company as yours", one of our clients Natalia replied.

We, in turn, endlessly grateful for such excellent reviews, we are doing a great job together with you! We have a lot of ideas and a great desire to make your dreams come true in the coming New Year!

Your Perspekta team!

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Technology is ahead of humans when growing strawberries in greenhouses

Technology has surpassed farmers in growing strawberries in the first Smart Farming competition hosted by Pinduoduo, China's largest technology agriculture platform.

Four groups participated, using the latest technology to automate greenhouses. As a result, an average of 6.86 kg of strawberries was produced, which is 196% more than the average of 2.32 kg for the three groups of traditional producers.

According to the organizers of the competition, technologists also surpassed farmers in return on investment by an average of 75.5%.

Great results, right?

The pursuit of smart agriculture is part of a broader goal of helping China realize the full economic potential of its vast agricultural resources. One of the first steps to improve productivity is to digitize the entire value chain, from manufacturing to transporting and selling food.

Precision farming technologies can help improve yield at the end of the production cycle and reduce food waste by reducing supply and demand imbalances. The organizers will consider the possibility of promoting technology developed by the teams in the competition.

The Smart Farming competition has inspired many farmers by showing the potential market demand for smart farming solutions.

Sourse of information  https://www.hortidaily.

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Interplanting system

 Interplanting is the simultaneous cultivation of old and young plants. This is  almost constant cycle of harvesting throughout the year, meaning that new young plants are planted together with the old ones.

The inventors of this system were Finnish greenhouses.  Plants on trays are used to listen to the distance for future planting of young plants. During plant growth, the trays shift towards each other, creating 5 double trays. An inter-row interlayer lamp is lowered between the trays. The idea of ​​such a system is that when the plants have grown and the leaves are very large, the light of the additional top light cannot penetrate through the leaves sufficiently into the growth zone. It gets cooler there than on top, condensation appears, causing plant diseases. In addition, if you do not use interlight, the top light will not be enough for young plants that were planted later. This method of interplanting is considered a classic. Today, it is used in the Scandinavian countries. Government support programs and high prices for products in those countries allow you to build the best solutions without having to save.

Interlight is used in farms that are ready to invest. The interlight system increases the yield by 15-20% compared to using only the top additional lighting, depending on the culture of cultivation. In our countries, complexes are often reluctant to invest in additional lighting and they are forced to bend the old plants themselves so that the light reaches the young. To do this, all the plants on the trays are tied to one side. After work, one row is thicker, and the next is spacious and light. So they alternate: light, condensed, light, etc.

Young and old plants stay together until the old ones stop bearing fruit and the young ones start. For cucumbers it is on average 3-4 weeks, and for tomatoes about 10 weeks. After removing the old plants, the young ones are tied again on both sides of the tray.

If you plan to use Interplanting, it is very important that the system is designed by professionals who understand the principles of the system and what you need.

It is necessary to design the system in such a way that it functions properly and gives the expected result. Perspekta specialists will help you with this, please contact us!

+38 044 334 70 34

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World's largest indoor farm planned to be built in Abu Dhabi

Abu Dhabi is slated to build the world's largest indoor farm as part of a major initiative to strengthen the UAE's food security.

This forward-looking project is being developed by RainMaker Capital Investment in Abu Dhabi in partnership with GrowGroup IFS from the Netherlands. The plan is to produce 10,000 tons of fresh produce annually on a 17.5 hectare site with a cultivation area of ​​160,000 square meters.

“The UAE is making a concerted effort to improve its domestic food production, with agricultural technology - AgTech - playing an extremely important role.

Officials from both companies said the huge plant will have the world's leading indoor growing system that combines vertical and flat farming and is capable of overcoming the challenges that typically arise from dry climates such as in the Emirates.

The joint statement said advanced farming practices will reduce water consumption by 95 percent and reduce the carbon footprint by 40 percent.

As part of the ambitious plans, closed farms will be built in other parts of the world exposed to extreme climates.

The innovative indoor farm will be on display at the world famous Expo2020 Dubai.

We are looking forward to the outcome of such an ambitious project. And once again we are convinced that Dutch greenhouse technologies are conquering the whole world!

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We are building a greenhouse!

The Perspekta team begins construction of another farm greenhouse.

The farmer's greenhouse is made in Ukraine on the European technologies with use of qualitative materials which allow to spend the winter without heating and need to roll up a film.

Greenhouse frame material - galvanized steel. The roof is covered with a double film with an air injection system. This solution creates an air space between the layers of the film and has thermal insulation properties

The dimensions of the greenhouse are -9.6 m - width, length - * 50 m. The greenhouse has high racks - this is the most optimal type of farm greenhouses, as you can use every meter and greenhouses and plots as efficiently as possible. Height at the ridge 6.20. The higher the greenhouse, the more comfortable it is for people and plants, which, in turn, allows you to harvest more.

PERSPEKTA farm greenhouses will surely delight you with their unsurpassed appearance! Trust the professionals. Grow flowers and vegetables for sale all year round in professional greenhouses.

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Interesting fact

Farm greenhouses "Gothic" are famous for their functionality and practicality. Do you know when a greenhouse of this shape was first built?

In 1973, Rolland Harnoy designed the first greenhouse complex in the Gothic arched style, connected by gutters in Canada.

It was the “World Premiere” of this shape of the greenhouse, and it was created to combat the snowy Canadian winters. Namely, thanks to the "Gothic" shape, the snow rolls down by itself, not allowing additional load on the greenhouse.

The first winter proved to be an ordeal, but the team proudly accepted this challenge 100% from Quebec! The success was quickly confirmed by the sale of greenhouse tomatoes ripened in these greenhouses under the Gusta brand.

 Are you still looking for a farm greenhouse?

   We have the perfect solution for you to grow in professional, high quality, efficient and easy to use greenhouses.

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The use of high pressure sodium lamps in greenhouses

The lighting system is used to extend daylight. Simply put, this system gives the effect of additional sun light for plants. High pressure sodium lamps (HPSL) are usually used in professional greenhouses. Despite the growing interest in LEDs and their popularity in other fields, high-pressure sodium lamps are still leaders in applications in industrial production.

 ADVANTAGES OF HIGH PRESSURE SODIUM LAMPS First of all, the price. Today, the cost of HPSL is a major factor in choosing between them and LED lamps. Secondly, a wide range of radiation. These lamps are universal in their spectral composition and are suitable for any plants. For example, the same lamps are used for roses, tomatoes, cucumbers or greens. Third, HPSL have a high energy efficiency. Fourth, the advantage for us is the heat that is released. Depending on the intensity of lighting, the lamps when turned on produce from 3C to 15C heat. This is an advantage that significantly reduces heating costs. This is an advantage for all countries where the winter is dark and cold.

There are only a few manufacturers of greenhouse light bulbs in the world that are installed in a luminaire with a reflector that reflects light. Two leaders in the production of greenhouse light bulbs: Philips and Osram. Lamp power options are as follows: 250W, 400W, 600W, 750W and 1000W.

250W and 400W are used mainly for growing by the Interlight method, and 400W, 600W, 750W and 1000W - for top lighting.

DISADVANTAGES OF HIGH PRESSURE SODIUM LAMPS Few mention that the service life of an HPS lamp is 10,000 hours. After 3 years, the bulb loses its effectiveness and needs to be replaced. The cost of light bulbs and their delivery significantly increases the current cost of the enterprise.

Spotlights are worth mentioning. Luminaire manufacturers use different quality aluminum, from which the reflector is made.

For example, the Netherlands has a reflector cleaning service provided by its companies that have special washing machines. During the day of operation of such a machine, you can carefully, without damaging the surface of the reflectors, clean about 5 thousand pieces. If the company does not use such a service, they replace the reflectors every 5-7 years, because the reflection of light from the reflector affects the efficiency of lighting in general. Unfortunately, we do not have such a service yet.

Have questions about lighting? We will be happy to tell you more!

+38 044 334 70 34

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New greenhouse technology will increase vegetable yields 22 times

In the Spanish province of Almeria, people plan to create the largest greenhouse complex in the region, Greendomo, with minimal resource consumption. Greendomo technology is an intensive production system that would be used for urban vegetable growing.

The new project was created for minimization water and carbon footprint, while reducing the use of phytosanitary products for pest control.

Another goal is to increase yields by 22 times compared to traditional greenhouse crops without the need for artificial lighting. In addition, Greendomo will reduce the cost and time of transporting food from producer to consumer and their storage.

Greenhouses look like a sphere of many triangles. This form of the complex will reduce the consumption of energy and materials and facilitate the absorption of sunlight by plants. In the spherical dome there are no shadows harmful to crops, and energy will be distributed evenly. Cucumbers, tomatoes and other crops will be grown here.

Greendomo will also be equipped with several rotating columns. This will allow you to grow products all year round, while reducing water demand by 70%. In addition, such complexes can be installed not only in parks and yards, but also in squares and even roofs of buildings.

The area of ​​the pilot project has not been announced yet, but it is estimated that at least 20 hectares will be required for it. The construction of the complex will be the second stage of an ambitious idea to create city farms in the region.

Follow with us the most interesting news in the world in greenhouse production!

Source of information:

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«Greenhouse Business 2020»

Have you visited the exhibition "Greenhouse Business 2020"?

We have! This is the second international exhibition of efficient technologies and equipment for the greenhouse, which took place at the International Exhibition Center on October 28-30, 2020 with the support of the Greenhouses of Ukraine Association.

This is an important business event, which discussed key issues of development of the greenhouse innovation market in Ukraine.

We are sure that the exhibition was useful  for everyone who is interested in greenhouse  technologies and innovative solutions in this field.

We, as always, do not miss such events, we gladly attend and take part in such events.

And if you are looking for perspective  ideas and interesting solutions - contact us, managers of Perspekta , we will help you with pleasure!