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We collect useful information about cultivation, greenhouse technologies, interesting projects, new products of our company and the entire greenhouse industry.

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It contains everything that can be interesting and everything that can be useful.

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AI Greenhouse

Global technologies are developing faster than we can imagine, even in greenhouse field.

Global Forum on Innovation in Agriculture was recently opened in Abu Dhabi. Among many innovations a mini-greenhouse controlled by artificial intelligence was presented.

The greenhouse has a control panel to control temperature, ventilation, lighting and watering. All the grower needs to do is set up the control panel.

 Greenhouse is energy efficient and does not consume much electricity. You can make a mini-greenhouse with solar panels, as well as recycle used water.

“Smart greenhouses” come in various sizes to choose from. The largest is able to accommodate 288 plants.

Greenhouse producers noted that the company has developed another version of greenhouses specifically for children. These are the first greenhouses in the world created so that children can get closer to agriculture and love the concept of planting. They can accommodate about 15 plants controlled from iPad or smartphone.

This is a real step towards smart farming, facilitating the process of growing plants for both adults and children.

 And if your child is bored during the summer holidays - get him a Perspekta mini-greenhouse, he will definitely be delighted!




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Unusual way of using a greenhouse

We often write about uncommon ideas on “how you can use a greenhouse” besides growing plants.

Now we faced with absolutely new way of greenhouse application that surprised us. Are you intrigued?

Quite recently in Latvia one of the famous magazines called Klubs held a “spicy” photo shoot in an operating industrial-type greenhouse.

This June magazine’s cover is a model with first crop of tomatoes and cucumbers on the background. We are sure that the photo not only attracted the attention of many but also increased the popularity of greenhouses in general!

Lets face it, photo shoot in the greenhouse is quite unusual but so beautiful and natural!

The most interesting news is only here, stay tuned every week!

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Did you know that about greenhouse plastic film?

Did you know that aggressive agricultural chemistry destroys the plastic film of your greenhouse?

This is one of the important factors that can affect the life of the greenhouse film. Disinfectants and pesticides based on Chlorine and Sulfur have particularly negative effect.

Chlorine and Sulfur enter into chemical reactions with most UV stabilizers and neutralize their effect. This leads to the removal of UV protection leading to ultraviolet light penetration that destroys the greenhouse film and resulting sometimes in several months complete destroy of plastic film. In that case plastic film becomes turbid, light transmission decreases, plastic loses its elasticity and strength.

It is very important to take care of your film so that it serve you longer and retain all its properties.

If you have a question how to choose the right film - contact us! We are always happy to help and provide you with the best solution!

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Growing lettuce in a greenhouse

We love greenhouses and everything related to them. We enjoy the most when eat healthy vegetables, berries, green crops grown in Perspekta greenhouses!

First seedlings of selected lettuce crop, that entire staff of our company planted, just recently  sprouted.  Being part of new plant’s birth process is incredibly interesting!

For growing we use peat substrate and special pots in lettuce cassettes made of polypropylene. Room temperature where the lettuce is germinated should be 17-20°C with a humidity of 85%.

After the sprouting of 60% of seedlings, young plants are transferred to a permanent place in the greenhouse.

In our case, the seedlings will be transferred to hydroponic tables in a professional greenhouse.

Growing lettuce plants is not so difficult, but importantly – is quite profitable. We are facilitated by short cultivation period: in the open ground the farmer can get several lettuce crops per season, and when using hydroponic systems, their number from the same area per calendar year of cultivation can exceed x 10 times.

So if you have questions or need advice when growing lettuce - do not hesitate to contact us!

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Mosquito nets in greenhouses

Sometime you may welcome unexpected “guests” in glass or poly greenhouses, namely insects.

These “guests” cause problems for the plants.

To solve this problem, special insect netting is used that perform following functions:

• Prevent penetration of insect pests, birds, dust and foliage into the greenhouse;

• Keep bumblebees inside the greenhouse when using hives;

• Significantly reduce rain from entering the greenhouse.


Another advantage of such nets is the porous material from which they are made, which does not allow to accumulate moisture. That helps to eliminates associated problems such as fungal infections.

Insect netting is made of different materials and with different mesh size that should be chosen  in accordance with the needs of a particular greenhouse. The mesh selection is based on the growing cycle used and the specific properties that are best suited to the needs of the project.

But it is important to remember that the smaller the mesh pitch, the better it will restrain insects, but the worse the natural ventilation of the greenhouse will be.

The use of insect netting is an effective non-chemical means of protecting plants from insects. Due to the great interest in this product, manufacturers have developed their various types for use in indoor growing.

We hope that this article was useful to you! Follow our news, we are preparing more and more interesting information!


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The best greenhouse film from Perspekta and A.A. Politiv

Greenhouse production is  very relevant today. Among the greenhouses, film ones are popular, the advantages of which we described earlier in our news.

But over time, users are faced with the fact that the film needs to be changed, and at this stage they are faced with a difficult choice: where to get and which one?

Where - with us! Which one - we will help you choose the best option individually!

Jointly A.A. Politiv Perspekta offers the highest quality greenhouse film with a choice of special additives to improve its properties.

Over the years, to supply the best products, A.A. Politiv invested in its professional, highly qualified staff, modern laboratory equipment and, most importantly, in the cutting line. All lines are automated: precision dosing systems, automatic dies that give a thickness deviation of less than 2%.

More recently, a new line was installed with a throughput capacity of 18 m and a productivity of 2000 kg / h, which we are very proud of! Not every manufacturer can boast of such properties!

By joint efforts with customers, international agricultural institutes and manufacturers of polymers and additives A.A. Politiv successfully launches the latest materials.

Together we work to provide our customers with everything they need!

If you want to consult - call us, we will be happy to help!

+38 044 334 70 34


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Have lunch during quarantine in a "separate greenhouse"

Greenhouses are so popular in the Netherlands that they can be found anywhere! For example, a restaurant in Amsterdam has set up small greenhouses to keep visitors at a social distance during quarantine.

It is known that even after the lifting of quarantine around the world, the work of restaurants and bars can be much more difficult than any other business. So, we can get a little inspiration from a vegetarian restaurant on the water, Mediamatic ETEN, in Amsterdam.

In one of the "Serres Séparées" (literally "Individual Greenhouses"), as they call the new glass greenhouses, visitors accommodate two people, but up to a maximum of three.

To keep the restaurant staff at bay, the restaurant uses wooden planks, which are a smart way to serve food and drinks. And waiters wear gloves and plastic face shields to reduce any risk of infection.

The result is a personal meeting and outdoor recreation, which still allows guests to practice social distance.

This practice is still on trial, they only invite friends and family to dinner, and all their bookings are sold out. Until this practice is approved by the authorities, it still gives us a positive outlook on what a food establishment might look like today.

We are once again convinced that greenhouses bring incredible benefits, even in such difficult times! So if you still dream of a "Magic Corner" in your garden - be sure to call us - we will help!

The main source of information


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Tomatoes for NASA

This year  scientists from the United States have created a new variety of tomato with an edited genome. It looks like a bunch of grapes. Thanks to this feature, it can be grown not only by farmers but also by residents of megacities.

According to Cold Spring Harbor professor Zach Lippman, the main goal of this new study is to create a wider range of crops that can be grown in urban areas or in other places unsuitable for plant growth.

These new tomatoes have a CRISPR-edited genome.

Mutations in genes have made it possible to obtain plants that slow down their growth earlier than usual, begin to bush heavily, and their fruits are collected in compact clusters, somewhat similar to cherries or grapes. The new variety is precocious - in 40 days the fruit can be eaten.

It is also reported that NASA has managed to show interest in new tomatoes. Mainly due to their compact size and the maximum possible number of fruits per plant.

Would you like to try this variety?

By the way, tomatoes are already growing in our greenhouses, we are waiting for a bountiful harvest!

Follow our news, we collect a lot of interesting things for you!

The main source of information

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Propagation area in a greenhouse

When planning to grow plants you always want to make sure that yongplants that you have are healthy and of good quality. So where are you taking those from?

In greenhouses of relatively small area, youngplants are most often grown directly in you greenhouse right before the planting. Literally, in the same place. This allows you to save time without additional hassle.

In greenhouses of a larger area (over 3000 m2) always best to organize a separate production zone. It is called a propagation area. Here young plants have necessary climate and handled the best way when efficiently used all resources.

Propagation area allows to grow youngplants without stopping any process in the main production department. In propagation area you want a separate microclimate with its own lighting and irrigation regimes. Propagation area is equipped with its own technological equipment which is individual for each project and depend on the total area of ​​the greenhouse and crops to be grown.

When we talk about vegetables the temperature is maintained around 24°C during the day. It may differ though depending on the crop variety. Make sure that the temperature regulation is done smoothly in order not to harm young plants.

It is also important to dose CO2 when growing youngplants. The minimum level of CO2 is 450 ppm and maximum is 550 ppm. Make sure you dose clean carbon dioxide that does not contain impurities formed during the combustion of natural gas. Sometimes growers do not dose CO2 as the plants do not have a bulk vegetative mass and do not need an increased amount of it. That happens in less professional farming as well.

Plants’ arrangement in the propagation area should be carried out quickly and in a timely manner in order not to miss the moment of strong compaction and stretching of plants, otherwise in the future that may complicate planting in the main production department.

The advantage of having propagation area is that it can be used later  for growing lettuce, dill, parsley or strawberries in pots.

Consider best option for your own greenhouse depending on the type of greenhouse you have, area available and chosen crop. In case you need any help, Perspekta team has an individual approach to each project and we advise the best option for your greenhouse!

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Meeting “Melnyk Garden”

Together with our partner Roland Fidder from Poly-Hort visited Ukrainian nurseries . “Melnyk Garden” is one of them, a company with 30 years of experience in the field of natural agricultural production.

The range of this company already reaches almost 200 crop varieties that can be found on shelves of the largest supermarket chains and in the menu of the most popular restaurants in Ukraine.

We had a good opportunity to talk with the owner – Ivan Melnyk, a person who has invaluable experience growing all kind of crop in foil greenhouses.

 "We never stop in our development and long for improvement for our customers", says Ivan.

We are grateful for the hospitality and the opportunity to discuss all the nuances that growers have using film greenhouses. We also happy to introduce innovations in the plastic foil for the greenhouse market showing their benefits of additives used in Poly-Hort poly film.

Perspekta team does its best to make sure their customers are happy and prepares the best professional solutions !

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What is important when choosing a film?

Film greenhouses are very popular among greenhouses. They have several advantages and are perfect for starting in the greenhouse business.

 When choosing a film, you should definitely pay attention to its main characteristics, namely:

  • Film parameters: roll width, thickness, length

These parameters are set for the project, it is important to cover the greenhouse with a solid roll.

  • High mechanical characteristics

The film must be resistant to high loads (wind, rain, snow, hail, extremely high temperatures, cables, cables, etc.)

  • Light transmission

The overall light transmittance of a film for a greenhouse is extremely important for photosynthetic active radiation (PAR). The range of the PAR is from 400 to 700 nanometers. The intensities of the wavelengths of these waves (PAR spectrum) directly affect the growth and development of plants.

  • UV resistance, film durability

Choose a film that has UV stabilizers. This is an additive that increases the life of the greenhouse film.

  • Heat effect

It is important not to forget about the special properties of the film, which block infrared radiation and help to achieve a controlled temperature in the greenhouse, providing insulation of plants and minimize the operation of heaters at night.

  • Availability of necessary additives

Manufacturers use the best technology in order to create a high-quality greenhouse film that will create a controlled and uniform microclimate in the greenhouse regarding the quality of light, temperature and humidity, regardless of the climate outside the greenhouse. To do this, you can choose additional additives: anti-condensation, anti-fog, anti-virus, anti-dust.

And if you still doubt which film to choose - call us! We will help you save time and effort, advise what is best for you!



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Bumblebees in greenhouses

Large greenhouse farms strive to be as efficient as possible and get as many kilograms of production as possible. Without full-fledged quality pollination, this is impossible to achieve. There are many factors in greenhouses that can negatively affect the pollination process of various crops.
 Therefore, the use of incredibly beautiful insects - bumblebees - has become an integral part of this process in greenhouses.
To achieve high results, optimal conditions are needed that promote both plant vegetation processes and high activity of bumblebees.

In Ukraine are already special farms for breeding bumblebees. As its founders explain, bumblebees cause pollination in greenhouses much better than bees. A bumblebee flies "to work" already at a temperature of 7-8 ° C, while a bee only at 12 ° C, and, unlike a bee, also works in cloudy weather. But there is no alternative to bumblebee on tomato: the flower of this plant does not accumulate nectar, therefore, it is not at all interesting for a bee. On average, greenhouses need 6 hives with bumblebees per hectare, for starters - at least 3-4.

Not everyone knows that there is a problem in many film greenhouses - often insects behave disoriented. This is because in such greenhouses there is a blocking of the UV spectrum (blue spectrum) in the film to a wavelength of 380-390 nm. To solve this problem, manufacturers offer new types of films without UV blocking, which allow the blue spectrum of light, which bumblebees need for orientation, to pass through.
Today, for the natural pollination of many crops in industrial greenhouses can not do without these insects. It should be noted that due to effective pollination, bumblebees can increase productivity, for example, tomatoes - by 25-30%. And in film greenhouses, bumblebees can be more effective than bees because they continue to work even in low light conditions and at more extreme temperatures.
Did you know that bumblebees do so much good? Follow our news, we collect the most interesting facts for you!

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